Not super good at writing the most elaborate and deliberate writings akin to the most exquisite and prestigious pieces of literature.
BUT! I just wanted to introduce myself in the form of this little post.
I am both a artist and music artist / producer. I have been drawing since 2012 on a 3DS and making music since 2017, originally on a 3DS switching to Ableton in 2018. Australian, if that means anything.
My inspiration for both of these fields is kind of eclectic and I can not possibly track down everything that makes everything make things in the way I do. For art I grew up kind of indulging in a little mix of 90s - 10s cartoons. I could write a list of cartoons I loved / love but that constantly changes.
As for music, currently (as of 2022) I have become a crazy Frank Zappa fiend, amassing 20k+ scrobbles (listens, for normal people). I am known to spew out information relating to him at anytime. Music is just something that's kind of always interested me, I am currently doing a bachelors degree for Audio Engineering, I could never do an art degree because with art, it gets messy LOL.
My interesting interests include; aforementioned Music (eg; Zappa especially), Cartoons (although I am bad with watching shows alone), foreign animated movies whether they are of top-notch or bottom-notch questionable quality, I love.
Good morningly / good whatever-the-time be and sorry for the waffle